Acerca de la visita de Obama a Chile
21 mar 2011
..."What unfolds therefore Obama’s visit to Chile is a very contemporary way to experience the cities, where security and control of what is recognized as unknown and dangerous, altering the ways we interact with urban environments. Where through the technologies that we carry, we try to reconstruct that cell phenomenological call “safety capsule, an environment of non-aggression, a space that we recognize as safe. Where we seek the shortest path, where being outside too long becomes a dangerous business. Where the facades hide second and third intentions. Where we move drawing boundaries, limits, areas with different levels of segregation. Chasing only places where spatially feel safe. Obama and his city-personal unit may be a reflection of the city experience coupled, fractured and incomplete that we recognize."
Acerca de la visita de Obama a Chile
Acerca de la visita de Obama a Chile